ACCA Global - Important Dat...
Keep on top of exam and subscription fee deadlines with these key dates from the ACCA calendar. ACCA runs four exam sessions a year in March, June, September and December - giving you great flexibility and choice of when to take exams. Book an exam for the upcoming session by using the...
ACCA - Frequently Asked Que...
As a globally recognized education and updated/Industry relevant content, ACCA qualification is a great way to build a career in Accounts and finance. Students can pursue this along with their graduation. Its flexible examination scheme makes this qualification more attractive. Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions about ACCA. From...
Why You Should Pursue ACCA ...
The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is a UK-based accounting body that offers a globally recognized accounting qualification. This qualification allows you to work in any country where ACCA has signing authority, or in companies that are based out of the UK and the European Union. As an ACCA member,...
All About ACCA SBL Paper
Strategic Business Leader (SBL) paper is a part of ACCA's Professional Level papers. Introduction to Strategic Business Leader The Strategic Business Leader exam is designed to mirror the workplace and requires you to demonstrate a blend of technical, ethical and professional skills. It tests your ability to function as an accountant in...
ACCA V/S CPA US - Which Cou...
Is ACCA a better course than CPA US? Can I do ACCA and CPA together? Who earns more ACCA or CPA? There are plenty of questions that come into mind when you think about choosing a course between ACCA and CPA. While Certified Public Accountant (CPA) makes you the Chartered Accountant of the...
All about ACCA- Course Stru...
What Is ACCA Course? The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Institute, formed in 1904 is the global professional accounting body offering the “Chartered Certified Accountant” qualification. ACCA is a fast-growing international accountancy organization with 2,00,000 members and 4,86,000 students in 180 countries. As a globally recognized education and updated/Industry...
ACCA Exemptions for CA Stud...
ACCA offers exemptions to the students who have previously studied for a relevant accountancy qualification. An exemption means that you will not have to study for and undertake exams of certain ACCA papers. Exemptions offer you the opportunity to start your ACCA qualification from the right level. As a CA student, you...
ACCA Exemptions
Exemptions let you start your studies at a level that is consistent with the knowledge and skills gained from prior learning. They provide you with the quickest route to ACCA membership. What exemptions are available? Depending on any existing qualifications you may hold, 9 Exemptions can be awarded for Applied Knowledge and...
ACCA in India - Eligibility...
Most of the ACCA qualified professionals in India are employed with the Big 4s or MNCs. Employers in India have now become aware of ACCA qualification and are hiring them eagerly. The main employers in India for ACCA are Price Waterhouse Coopers, Ernst and Young, Deloitte, KPMG, TATA Communications, Embassy...