Is it better to do CA Final classes using a Pen drive or an Online class, rather than attending sessions?

Live/Virtual Classes Vs Pendrive Classes

  • As per the current trends, CA Final Students are generally taking up Pendrive Classes as they have prior committments for Articleship/Job, hence it becomes difficult for students to attend regular classes.
  • Pendrive Classes gives them an option to study as per their own convenience at their home and it makes easier for students to complete syllabus on time.

Student often remain confused in opting for CA Final Classes because of query resolution, they feel that in pendrive classes they wont be able get proper assistance from faculties regarding their queries.

Query resolution is not a problem that student should be worried about as the topics are explained in full detail in the videos so that 90% doubts of students are solved automatically and still if student has any doubts, they are being answered by faculties over E-mail, WhatsApp, discussion forums and one-on-one support.

Elearning -

Difference in the quality of teaching between both the Classes

Face to Face classes and recorded classes in pendrive are basically the same.

  1. Person teaching is the same
  2. Content which is taught is same
  3. Way it is been taught is also the same

The face to face classes are recorded and stored in pendrive. So as per the quality there will be no difference.

The only thing is having dedication and watching those videos

If you are confused between whether to attend face to face classes or get recorded class and watch at home?

My personal opinion is to attend Pendrive classesOnline/Pendrive courses call for a greater amount motivation and self-discipline than a classroom-based course. Technology also adds on to the visual experience by incorporating animations that can be used interactively for effective learning and communication.

Some advantages of having a Pendrive Classes are discussed below:

Learn from anywhere, at any time

Since online education only requires a laptop or a smartphone with an internet connection, students can learn anywhere at any time. This flexibility helps working professionals to pursue new courses without giving up their jobs. They can learn at weekends or in their free time. All the course materials are readily available at student’s fingertip.


The best thing about taking pendrive classes is the flexibility that becomes available to you. You can watch a particular lesson as many times as you think you need to in a bid to understand what is being taught. On the other hand, the conventional methods of learning have a certain level of rigidity about it, in that a lecturer will only repeat something so many times before getting irritated about it.

Learn at your own pace

Everyone learns at a different pace. In a classroom where everyone taught together, many students find it difficult to follow the lessons. This is a serious disadvantage of traditional education. Online education solves this issue. In online education all the course materials are provided beforehand, students learn it by taking their own time. Students can clarify their doubts by live chats or forums as well.

Free Ups Your Time

Another aspect of taking pendrive classes is that you will need to invest less time sitting in a class and listening to the lectures being given. You can simply carry on with your daily work, before picking up the pendrive from the institute you are studying with, come home and sit down with the lessons. This ensures that your day is not getting jammed just with studies and you can carry on with your profession as well if you are working. An ever-increasing number of people are starting to opt for pendrive classes, and this is because of the numerous benefits associated with the matter.

These are the benefits of choosing CA Pendrive classes. In today’s times, everyone is looking for ways that they can multitask, and that is exactly what you are able to do with Pendrives. All you are going to need is a device in which you can plug in the Pendrive and absorb what is being taught. The above factors certainly make this type of Classes quite popular nowadays.

Cons of Offline Classes:

  • Class is held at a specific time and you must attend. 
  • You have to work at the speed of the class.
  • You must travel to campus (in the winter this may be particularly stressful). A lot of productive hours can be lost due to travelling to the particular place.
  • If you miss your class, can't get it back.
  • Travel expenses, accommodations etc must be taken care of, if the student hails from a place where there is no school or educational institution.
  • There is a lack of freedom in choosing the subjects that we want to study at a particular time. We are forced to follow the set schedule of the teacher.
  • Most of the children's hesitate while asking doubt in class.

The Future of Online Education:

  •  Adoption of online education to be driven across age group by three kinds of needs:
    • Employability- Need to stay relevent in the job market
    • Social Learning- Causual learning and social skill development
    • Entreprenuership
  •  Business Model Evolution in line with changing customer requirements:
    • Co-developed content by online players and industry to enhance perceived value of online education.
    • Peer to peer learning among students to gain pace.
    • Value added services such as internships & live projects along with regular courses, to provide hands-on experience to students.
  •  Technological Innovations in the supply and demand ecosystem:
    • Big data and artifical intelligence to assist in design of customized content.
    • Consumption of content will evolve through use of technologies like wearable devices & virtual labs.
    • Data storage on cloud to enable anytime, any-device access.
  •  Gamification Concepts to enhance user engagement:
    • Gamification will gain application in the form of simulation of concepts, incentive based learning.
    • This will drive user engagement and increase knowledge acquisition.

Interesting facts about Online education in India

  • Online education market in India was worth $ 247 million in 2016, which is expected to grow about $ 1.96 billion by 2021. That is a compound annual growth rate of 52%.
  • The number of users enrolled for various online learning courses is estimated to be 1.6 Million in 2016, Which is expected to grow about 9.6 Million by the end of 2021.
  • It is estimated that there is a 175% increase in the cost of classroom education, this gives online education more preferred because it is cost effective.
  • Nearly 48% population in India between 15–40 age group with high aspirations but lower income is a good target market for online education. And, the acceptability of online channel is high in the younger demographic.

These factors clearly show the involvement and future potential of online education in India.

Facts About Online Education In India -

Role of Internet in Online Education:

Internet, the most useful technology of modern times which helps us not only in our daily lives but also in professional lives. For educational purposes, it is widely used to gather information and to do research or add to the knowledge of various subjects. 

The internet has introduced improvements in technology, communication, and online entertainment. Importance of internet in education to the students’ means that it makes easier for them to research things, and relearn the content taught in the school. People use it according to their needs and interests.

Number of internet users in India 2015-2023

Number of internet users in India 2015-2023

In 2018, India had over 480 million internet users across the country. This figure was projected to grow to over 660 million users by 2023, indicating a big market potential in internet services for the south Asian country. In fact, India was ranked as the second largest online market worldwide in 2019, coming second only to China. The number of internet users was estimated to increase in both urban as well as rural regions, indicating a dynamic growth in access to internet.


Top Faculties Pendrive Classes of all subjects are available for CA Final  New Syllabus

Currently, FR & SFM being the first papers for which coaching is opt, so some students still prefer live coaching for these subjects but for other subjects majority of students are option for pendrive classes.

You can go through the below links for finding the best faculties of CA Final Exam Subject Wise:

Subjects Links
Financial Reporting Click Here
Strategic Financial Management Click Here
Advanced Auditing & Professional Ethics Click Here
Corporate & Economic Law Click Here
Strategic Cost Management & Performance Evaluation Click Here
 Electives Click Here
Direct Tax laws & International Taxation Click Here
Indirect Tax Laws Click Here


Online Videos for CA CS etc | Zeroinfy - Students will get Latest Updated Pendrive Classes of All Top Faculties for CA Final Examinations.

Moreover, You can get in touch with our expert, Miss Abhilasha Sharma or Mr. Abhishek Bajaj (Mobile – 9051753757) exclusively associated with

Hope you can find this answer helpful. If you like this then Share it with your friends who are doing CA Final studies or who will be giving their CA Final exams in the near future

Here also i’m giving Downloading links of study materials, practice manuals and other useful files.


CA Final Free Notes & Videos - CA Final Important Resources (Old/New)



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