How to prepare for CA Foundation in 30 Days

How to prepare for CA Foundation in 30 Days

Sailing through entrance exams for professional courses is never easy. It is more than just mere hard work, perseverance, dedication and sincerity which you need to keep going while preparing for CA Foundation. Well, to put it in very simple words, clearing CA Foundation is more of a smart work than hard work. After all, entrance exams are unpredictable and difficult to crack. Icing on the cake is the cut throat competition with strict marking scheme. Well, here are a few quick tips which will help you prepare for the CA Foundation exam in an organized and systematic manner:

1. Focus on being strong conceptually :

Someone has rightly said that practice makes a man perfect. Undoubtedly, this holds true for everyone who is aspiring to clear an entrance for professional courses like CA Foundation. It is more about emphasizing on clearing your concepts than practicing more number of questions. It will be a sheer coincidence if during the exam you encounter the type of question you practiced. Therefore, focus on keeping yourself conceptually sound as CA Foundation Exam will test you on your logical and analytical skills than theory. You can practice different types of question papers to gain confidence.

2. Focus on all subjects equally :

Each subject holds equal weight-age therefore don’t make a mistake of studying Accounts day in and day out. Accounts is one of the toughest subjects in the preparation of CA Foundation exam. But, you need to manage your time efficiently in order to prepare effectively. You can make your own question bank for all the subjects and practice tricky questions for each of them in the last one month of preparation.

3. Learn to manage your time properly :

You may be one of the brilliant students but still not crack CA CPT Exam. The reason is very simple. You lost count of the time while solving the questions. You didn’t realize that a few questions took more time than you had imagined. Well, managing your time hence becomes one of the most important aspects of cracking CA Exam. You need to be able to figure out which questions you have to attempt first and which ones you need to leave for the last. Hence, practice your question papers in a given time frame.

4. Set a realistic timetable and follow it everyday :

You don’t need to sit continuously for hours in a day. Focus on being more productive and efficient. You have to keep in mind that setting unachievable goals for the day will just drain your energy.

Hence, in a nutshell, you need to revise thoroughly to get the desired results in the upcoming CA Foundation exam. Enthusiastic preparation will be of help than anything else. It is highly recommended that you prepare according to the past examination trends to get a fair idea of what you can expect in the paper.


  • Sagar chowdri k

    This is better advice for all CA students… This builds up a better confidence..

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