Advanced Performance Management (APM)

Advanced Performance Management

The Advanced Performance Management exam is designed to reflect the strategic role of management accounting as a discipline for planning and controlling performance so that strategic objectives can be set, monitored and controlled. It recognises the impact of external factors on strategic management issues and covers the risks these factors present and how they can be measured and managed.

How to earn professional skills marks:
The APM exam has 20 marks for demonstrating professional skills 

Section A questions require a report Use appropriate headings and sub-headings, and clear, concise language Answer the question asked!

2. Analysis and evaluation
Analysis or evaluation must be relevant to the organisation and their situation

3. Scepticism
Have a questioning mindset that challenges information, evidence and assumptions

4. Commercial acumen
Demonstrate your understanding of what is appropriate in different types of organisation and different contexts Draw appropriate conclusions and make properly informed decisions which are appropriate to the scenario

     What's APM about, steps to success and tackling the exam
    • Intro


    The syllabus and study guide is designed to help with planning study and to provide detailed information on what could be assessed in any examination session.

    Download the Syllabus and Study Guide below.

     Advanced Performance Management (APM) - syllabus and study guide September 2023 to June 2024
     (APM) - syllabus and Study Guide



    1. ACCA P5 - Advanced Performance Management Study Text 2016
    2. ACCA P5 - Advanced Performance Management Revision Kit 2016