Bhagvad Gita - Lesson 38 - Suggested Answers
Q1) What are the qualities of a devotee of Krishna ?
The qualities of a devotee of Sri Krishna ji are as follows: 1) One who is understood to be in full knowledge whose every endeavour is devoid of desire for sense gratification. 2) One who abandons all attachments to the results of his activities. 3) One who is ever satisfied and independent. 4) One who performs no fruitive action although engaged in all kinds of undertakings. 5) One who acts with mind and intelligence perfectly controlled. 6) One who gives up all sense of proprietorship over his possessions. 7) One who acts only for the bare necessities of life. 8) One who is satisfied with gains which comes of its own accord. 9) One who is free from duality. 10) One who does not envy. 11) One who is steady in both success and failure. 12) One whose actions are unattached to the modes of material nature. 13) One who is fully situated in transcendental knowledge merges entirely into transcendence. 14) A devotee who is fully absorbed in Krishna Consciousness is sure to attain the Spiritual Kingdom - Golak Vrindavan - The Eternal Home of Lord Krishna, because of his full contribution to spiritual activities.
भगवान का भक्त भगवान से प्रेम करता है ,इसलिए उसे कर्म फलों के प्रति आसक्ति नहीं होती l वह भगवान को केंद्र में रखकर अपने सारे कर्तव्य करता है , इसलिए वह हर परिस्थिति में संतुष्ट रहता है lभक्तों की बुद्धि और मन उनके वश में होते हैं ,ऐसे में माया से भी ऊपर हो जाते हैं l
Q2) What are the different types of yagnas?
The different types of yagyas are : 1) Devaya Yagya, 2) Brahma Yagya 3) Brahmachari Yagya 4) Grihast Yagya 5) Atma Sanyam Yagya 6) Dravyamaya Yagya 7) Tapomaya Yagya 8) Yoga Yagya 9) Svadhyaya Yagya 10) Gyan Yagya
10 प्रकार के यज्ञ है :- 1.दिव्या यज्ञ 2. ब्रह्म यज्ञ 3. ब्रह्मचारी यज्ञ 4. गृहस्थ यज्ञ 5. आत्म संयम यज्ञ 6. द्रव्य यज्ञ 7. tamomay यज्ञ 8. योगा यज्ञ 9. स्वाध्याय यज्ञ 10.ज्ञान यज्ञ l
Q3) Why is Krishna Consciousness above all yagnas?
Krishna Consciousness is above all yagyas because it is the direct service of The Supreme Lord. Krishna consciousness cannot be attained by anyone practicing the ten different types of yagyas but can be attained only by the mercy of the Lord and HIS bonafide devotees. Therefore, Krishna consciousness is transcendental.
कृष्णभावनामृत इनसे पृथक हैं क्योंकि यह परमेश्वर की प्रत्यक्ष सेवा है l इसे उपर्युक्त किसी भी यज्ञ से प्राप्त नहीं किया जा सकता ,अभी तो भगवान तथा उनके प्रमाणिक भक्तों की कृपा से ही प्राप्त किया जा सकता है इसलिए कृष्णभावनामृत दिव्य है l
Q4) Who is a bonafide spiritual master or Guru?
To attain the path of spiritual realisation we need to approach a bonafide Spiritual Master or Guru who is in the line of disciplic succession from the Lord Himself. The Lord is the original Spiritual Master and a person in the disciplic succession can convey the message of The Lord. No one else but a Spiritual Master or Guru in the line of disciplic succession can explain the teachings of The Lord and these cannot be manufactured by anyone or everyone.
जो गुरु परंपरा से है वही प्रमाणिक अध्यात्मिक गुरु होते हैं l वह स्वरूप सिद्ध होते हैं l उन्होंने सत्य का दर्शन किया है l इनसे ही हमें भगवान कृष्ण का दिव्य ज्ञान प्राप्त होता है l
Q5) Explain the example of reading medical books at home?
By reading medical books at home one cannot become a doctor. The person has to attend a college take classes under a trained teacher and attain medical knowledge to qualify to become a doctor. Similarly a person simply by reading Bhagvad Gita or Srimad Bhagavatam cannot become spiritualised and rather has to undertake proper training and study under a Spiritual Master who comes in the line of disciplic succession to remove the ignorance from oneself and enrich pure eternal knowledge of Bhagvad Gita and Srimad Bhagvatam.
मेडिकल की किताब को घर में पढ़कर डॉक्टर नहीं बना जा सकता, उसे मेडिकल कॉलेज में एडमिशन लेकर वहां के ऑथराइज्ड टीचर से पढ़ना होगा, तब वह डॉक्टर बन सकता है ,वैसे ही कोई भी धार्मिक पुस्तक जैसे कि भगवद्गीता या भगवतम हम अपने आप पढ़ कर आत्म साक्षात्कार नहीं कर सकते इसके लिए हमें परंपरा से आए हुए गुरु से ग्रहण करना होता है तब हमें आत्म साक्षात्कार का पूर्ण ज्ञान होता हैl
Q6) How and Why should we approach a bonafide spiritual master or Guru?
One has to approach a Spiritual Master or Guru with full humbleness and the Spiritual Master should be accepted in total surrender and one should serve the Spiritual Master like a menial servant, without false prestige. When a devotee surrenders and serves the spiritual master with total humility and submission it's then that the Spiritual Master becomes pleased and shows mercy upon the devotee and the devotee eventually grows in his spiritual understanding and passes the tests of the Spiritual Master. The devotee should put forth questions with humility to seek clear understanding from the Spiritual Master. The Bonafide Spiritual Master is very kind towards the disciple and reciprocates by empowering pure spiritual knowledge upon the devotees.
भगवान का उपदेश है कि उन्हें से प्रारंभ होने वाली परंपरा से प्रमाणित गुरु की शरण ग्रहण की जाए l ऐसे गुरु को पूर्ण संपूर्ण करके ही स्वीकार करना चाहिए और अहंकार रहित होकर दास के भांति गुरु की सेवा करनी चाहिए प्रमाणिक गुरु स्वभाव से शिष्य के लिए दयालु होता है अतः यदि शिष्य विनीत और सेवा से तत्पर रहे तो ज्ञान और जिज्ञासा का विनिमय पूर्ण हो जाता है l