Bhagvad Gita - Lesson 41 - Suggested Answers
Q1) What is the secret of Krishna Consciousness ?
The secret of Krishna consciousness is the realization that there is no existence besides Krishna in the platform of peace and fearlessness. He knows that in Krishna consciousness, there is no duality. Krishna is the supreme absolute truth. All that exists in this world is Krishna's energy. Therefore activities in the Krishna consciousness are transcendental and have no material effect. One is therefore filled with peace. While the other who is attached to the result of his activities is entangled in sense gratification and the material world.
कृष्ण भावना भावित व्यक्ति कृष्ण के प्रति आसक्त रहता है, वह जानता है मैं शरीर में आत्मा हूं और मेरा असली रास्ता कृष्ण से ही है l ऐसा व्यक्ति कृष्ण के लिए कर्म करता है इसलिए उसे अपने कर्म फलों की चिंता नहीं होती l वह निश्चय ही मुफ्त है l कृष्ण सर्व मंगल मय है l इस प्रकार कृष्ण भावना वृत्त में जीव शांति से पूरी तरह ता है l दूसरी तरफ जो अपने शरीर के प्रति आसक्ति इंद्रिय तृप्ति में लगा रहता है उसे शांति नहीं मिल सकती l जो जानता है कि कृष्ण के अतिरिक्त और कुछ नहीं है उसे शांति और अभय की प्राप्ति होती है ,यही कृष्ण भवन अमृत का रहस्य है l
Q2) What are the nine gates of the body. How can one get liberated from this body?
The embodied soul lives in the city of nine gates. The body consists of nine gates: two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, one mouth, the anus and the genital. Owing only to forgetfulness of his superior nature, he identifies with the material body, and then suffers. By Krishna consciousness, he can revive his real position and thus come out of his embodiment, live a controlled life and he lives a happy life in the city of nine gates( the body ). Thus when he stops identifying with the body, but identifies himself within the Lord within himself, he becomes just as free as the Lord within himself, even while in the body. Thus a Krishna concious person is free from both the outer and inner activities of the material body.
यह शरीर के 9 द्वार हैं ,दो आंखें , दो नथुने , दो कान , एक मुंह , गुदा तथा उपस्थित l वृद्ध अवस्था में जीव अपने आप को शरीर मानता है किंतु जब अपनी पहचान अपने अंतर के भगवान से करता है तो वह शरीर में रहते हुए भी भगवान की भाती मुक्त हो जाता है l
Q3) What is the meaning and difference between Vibhu and Anu?
The Sanskrit word Vibhush means the Supreme Lord who is full of unlimited knowledge, riches, strength, fame, beauty and renunciation. The Lord is Vibhu or omniscient, but the living entity is anu or atomic meaning small with limited power. The difference is that the Lord is always satisfied in Himself, undisturbed by sinful or pious activities. But the living entity, bewildered by ignorance, desires to be put into certain conditions of life, and thereby his chain of actions and reactions begin, leading to misery and happiness in life. Thus the Lord is not responsible for his ignorant desires but is his constant friend.
विभु का अर्थ है परमेश्वर जो असीम ज्ञान ,धन ,बल, यश, सौंदर्य ,तथा त्याग से युक्त है l वह सदैव आत्मातृप्त और पाप पुण्य से अविचलित रहता है l भगवान विभु अर्थात सर्वज्ञ है किंतु जीव अनु l जीवात्मा में इच्छा करने की शक्ति है किंतु ऐसी इच्छा की पूर्ति सर्वशक्तिमान भगवान द्वारा की जाती है अतः जब जी अपनी इच्छा से मो ग्रस्त हो जाता है तो भगवान उसे अपने इच्छा पूर्ति करने देते हैं किंतु किसी परिस्थिति विशेष में इक्षित कर्मों का तथा फलों के लिए उत्तरदाई नहीं होतेl
Q4) Is God cause of our distress. What is the reason for our ignorance and suffering ?
The Lord is the constant companion of the living entity as Paramatma or the super soul, therefore he understands the desires of the soul. The Lord fulfills his desires as he deserves being neutral and non interfering. God neither hates nor likes anyone. Therefore the embodied soul by his immemorial desire to avoid Krishna consciousness, causes his own sorrows and miseries. Although he is constitutionally eternal, blissful and Cognizant, due to the littleness of his existence he forgets his constitutional position of service to the Lord and ignorantly claims that the Lord is responsible for his distress.
ईश्वर हमारे कष्ट के कारण नहीं होते l हम जीव अज्ञान के कारण इच्छाएं करते हैं और कर्मों के फलों के कारण भोंकते हैं l भगवान कृष्ण तो हमेशा हमारे बारे में अच्छा सोचते हैं क्योंकि हम उनके बच्चे हैं l भगवान ने हमें अल्प स्वतंत्रता दी है और हम उसका गलत फायदा उठाते हैं , हम भगवान से अपना संबंध भूल गए इस अज्ञानता के कारण हमें पीड़ा होती है l
Q5) God is flawless. How can we become flawless?
The Lord is flawless because He is without attraction or hatred. Similarly when a living entity is without attraction or hatred, he also becomes flawless and eligible to enter into the spiritual sky. Such persons are considered already liberated. When his mind is steady, neither is he joyful, nor does he lament, nor does he accept the body as permanent. This is called self realisation or Krishna consciousness.
ईश्वर निर्दोष है क्योंकि वह आसक्ति अथवा घृणा से रहित है lइसी प्रकार जब जीव आसक्ति अथवा घृणा से रहित होता है तो वह भी निर्दोष बन जाता है और बैकुंठ जाने का अधिकारी हो जाता है l