CA Amit Jain - CA Final Indirect Tax

CA Amit Jain

CA Amit Jain is rank holder CA and 2nd Global Rank Holder in Professional Gateway Exam of CIMA, UK. He is also qualified Diploma in IFRS (ACCA, UK), Diploma in Business Finance, Certificate in Derivatives. He is ex Top Management personnel of Multinational and Indian companies with practical experience of GST implementation in big corporate. He is ex-member of IMA CFO forum.

 IDT Part II Customs & FTP Scanner Including ICAI Test 

Summary of Offences and Penalties


Important Video Lectures:-

 GST Chapter 1 (Lec 1)

GST Chapter 1 (Lec 3) GST Chapter 1 (Lec 4) GST Revision Chapter 1
Supply Under GST GST Revision Chapter 3 (Part 1) GST Revision Chapter 3 (Part 2) GST Revision Chapter 4
GST Revision Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Time of Supply (Revision) Chapter 7 Value of Supply  Chapter 8 Input Tax Credit


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