CA FINAL FR Fast Track in English SCHEDULE - J K Shah Classes - Prof Dipesh Majithia

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Fundamental Of FR 05:45:51
Ind AS 102 Share Based Payments 08:47:30
Ind AS 103 Business Combinations 15:39:46
Consolidation 17:46:04
Financial Instruments 23:52:43
Ind AS 20 Goverment Grant 01:37:54
Ind AS 21 Foreign Currency 04:32:55
Ind AS-23 Borrowing Cost 02:54:22
Chp.9 Ind AS-19 Empolyee Benefits 06:17:46
EPS 07:19:15
Revenue from contracts 06:55:11
Leases 07:48:22
Property; Plant and Equiment 06:03:29
Intangibles 02:23:29
Investment Property 01:18:42
Ind AS-41 Agriculture 00:39:51
Ind AS-36 Impairment 05:10:20
Ind AS-12 Income Taxes 10:37:49
Events Occurring After BS 01:09:26
Provision And Contingent Liab 01:14:51
Accounting Policy 00:30:06
Non CA Held For Sale 01:26:24
Operating Segment 01:03:52
Related Party 01:09:28
Interim FS 00:32:02
Fair Value 01:09:43
Total Duration 143:47:11