CA Inter Fast Track Advanced Accounting English Chapter Wise Lectures By J.K.Shah Classes - Prof Karan Angarkar

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Package Chapter Name Duration (Hrs/Min/Sec)
1 AS 4 : Contingencies and Events Occurring After Balance Sheet Date 1:19:05
2 AS 5 : Net Profit or Loss for the period, PPI, Changes in Accounting Policies 1:17:56
3 AS 7 : Construction Contracts 2:34:01
4 AS 9 : Revenue Recognition 1:58:56
5 AS 17 : Segment Reporting 1:05:26
6 AS 18 : Related Party Disclosures 1:03:56
7 AS 19 : Accounting for Leases 2:44:54
8 AS 20 : Earnings Per Share 2:09:54
9 AS 22 : Accounting for Taxes on Income 02:54:34
10 AS 24 : Discontinuing Operations 01:05:17
11 AS 26 : Intangible Assets 01:14:35
12 AS 29 : Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets 01:15:41