CA Praveen Khatod - CA Final SFM

CA Praveen Khatod is the most qualified Faculty in Indore with renowned degrees – CA, CPA, America & CFA. He is a faculty for various subjects in CA Final and CA Inter Level like SFM, Cost and Economics. His logical explanation of concepts and presentation style is highly impressive and appreciated by students.

Imp PDFs By The Faculty For CA Final

  SFM (Old Syllabus) REVISION Batch Handouts Life Cycle Budgeting CA Final SFM NEW Syllabus Solutions - Volume 1 CA Final SFM NEW Syllabus Solutions - Volume 2 - Derivatives & Forex
  Study Planner SFM NEW Syllabus Z Table - Probability Table Clarification on Changes in SFM Study Material_Oct 2019

Imp Video Lectures By The Faculty For CA Final

Mergers & Acquisitions SUSTAINABLE GROWTH


CA Final New Video Lectures By The Faculty


CA Final New Video Lectures, CA Praveen Khatod


CA Final Old Video Lectures By The Faculty


CA Final Old Video Lectures, CA Praveen Khatod


All  Video Lectures By The Faculty In One Place


All  Video Lectures, CA Praveen Khatod