Is participating in CPD mandatory?

FRMs and ERPs are encouraged to participate in the program in order to stay up to date on current issues and maintain the advanced level of proficiency demonstrated during the certification process.

  • For FRMs, participating in the CPD program is currently optional.
  • For ERPs, participating in the CPD program is mandatory and ERPs are required to participate in order to use their designation.
  • For dually certified FRMs/ERPs, participation is mandatory, but credits are applied to both credentials.

What are the CPD program requirements?

In order to successfully meet the program requirements, you will need to earn 40 credits (approximately 40 hours) every two years.

What is a CPD Cycle?

A CPD cycle spans 24 months starting on January 1st and ending December 31st the following year. For example, a cycle beginning January 1, 2020, will end on December 31, 2021.

When does my CPD cycle begin?

Depending on your certification date, your cycle will begin in the current calendar year or the following January.

For example, if you are certified on or before June 30th, your first CPD cycle will start in the current year and you may begin submitting credits immediately. If you are certified after June 30th, your cycle will begin the following January, but you can begin submitting credits immediately.  

What types of activities qualify for credit?

Activities should be educational, relevant to energy or financial risk management, and build on the knowledge and skills you achieved earning your certification. Activities include but are not limited to:

  • Reading an in-depth article, journal, whitepaper or book
  • Attending a conference, forum, seminar, or other live event
  • Attending a professional chapter or society meeting
  • Participating in a live or self-study training course
  • Participating in training offered by employers
  • Viewing a webcast, podcast, or video
  • Attending a lecture or taking a course at an accredited college or university
  • Participating in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
  • Passing relevant risk related exams
  • Publishing, speaking, or teaching on risk related issues
  • Volunteering for GARP as a subject matter expert, item writer or committee member

How do I calculate credits for CPD activities?

Credits should be calculated based on the time spent engaged in learning: One hour qualifies for one credit, half an hour qualifies for 0.5 credits, and fifteen minutes qualifies for 0.25 credits. For example, a webcast lasting 90 minutes should be entered as 1.5 credits.

How do I calculate credits for reading?

Estimate 1.5 minutes per page for non-technical reading and 3 minutes per page for technical reading. For example, 10 pages of technical reading would be estimated at 30 minutes and eligible for 0.5 credits. Readings accessed through the GARP portal will have pre-approved credits.

How do I get my credits approved?

You will need to submit requests for credit approval through the Credit Tracker in your GARP portal. Credits earned by attending our Chapter Meetings are recorded automatically.

Are there fees for participating in CPD?

The credit tracking tool in the GARP portal is open to all FRMs and ERPs regardless of membership status. However, in order to have your credits reviewed, approved, and applied toward your cycle completion, you will need to keep your membership in good standing.

Can I earn credits for free?

Yes, there are many ways to earn CPD credits without incurring additional fees. Each month, you will receive an email with numerous complimentary credit offerings in the form of articles, whitepapers, research papers, webcasts, and more. Go to your email preferences in your profile and select the CPD Credit Bulletin to make sure you receive the monthly offerings.

Do I need to earn credits from GARP sponsored activities?

No, you are not limited to the selections that we provide. You may choose any educational activities that align with your career and interests and are accessible to you.

Do I need to submit attendance records for every activity?

No, CPD is based on an honor system. However, you are expected to record activities and keep attendance records as we do conduct random annual audits. In the event you are selected for audit, you will be provided adequate time to provide verification of your activities.

How do I access my CPD record?

To access your CPD record, log on to your GARP portal using your username and password.

What happens when I complete 40 credits?

After completing 40 credits, you will be granted access to a printable certificate that acknowledges your successful completion. Your FRM and/or ERP digital badge will reflect your achievement and your listing in the Directory will be updated.

Who do I contact with questions?

All questions may be directed to