MCQ for CA Intermediate Audit - Chapter 11 - Audit Report

Sample Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ's) for CA Intermediate - Paper 6 - Auditing and Assurance Chapter 11: Audit Report - For Practice relevant for May/November 23 Examinations

Q:1 A statement as to auditor's believing that the audit evidence, we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for their opinion is mentioned in which section of the auditor's report?

  1. Opinion
  2. Basis for Opinion
  3. Management's responsibility

Answer: 2

Q:2 Which of the following topics are not covered in the 'Auditor Responsibilities' paragraphs?

  1. a statement that the standards require that the auditor plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement
  2. wording indicating that the audit evidence is sufficient to provide the basis for the audit opinion
  3. reference to the financial accounting standards followed in conducting the audit

Answer: 3

Q:3 Based on SA 700, there are at least two circumstances where the auditor may not be able to express an unmodified opinion:

  1. limitation of scope and fraud
  2. disagreement with management or inconsistent application of accounting standards
  3. disagreement with management and limitation of scope
  4. disagreement with management and fraud

Answer: 3

Q:4 Which of the following is not a section of the SA 700 auditor's unmodified (unqualified) opinion?

  1. Management's responsibility for the financial statements
  2. Opinion
  3. Report on other audit activities
  4. Auditor's responsibility

Answer: 3

Q:5 Ordinarily, an auditor may include an emphasis of a matter paragraph:

  1. when limitation in scope is not so material as to require an adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion
  2. to highlight an immaterial matter regarding a going concern problem
  3. when the effect of a disagreement with management is material and pervasive to the financial statements
  4. if there is a significant uncertainty, the resolution of which is dependent upon future events


Q:6 As per SA-320, materiality is to be applied-

  1. In planning the audit
  2. In performing the audit
  3. In planning and performing an audit
  4. In planning, performing and concluding an audit

Answer: 3

Q:7 The responsibility for properly determining the quantity and value of inventory rests with –

  1. Management
  2. Auditor
  3. Auditor and management both
  4. None of these

Answer: 1

CA Intermediate AUDIT - MCQ for Chapter 12 -   

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