Paper 4- Law

CA Final Law is the fourth paper in CA Final Level. Corporate and Economic Laws is one of the dynamic subjects of Chartered Accountancy course. This subject at the Final level is divided into two parts, namely, Corporate Laws for 70 marks and Economic Laws for 30 marks.

Latest Amendment Videos of Law for May 19 Exams by Best Faculties is available.

Introduction  Part- 1: Sec 149(6) Part- 2: Sec 164/167
CA Darshan Khare
Part- 3: 185 Loan to Directors Part- 4: 197-201 Managerial Part- 5: 435-441 Special Court
Part- 6: Registered Valuer Part- 7: Misc Co. Law & IBC Part- 8: Sec 186 Loan & Investment


Part- 1  Part- 2 Part- 3
CA Swapnil Patni


Part- 1  Part- 2 Amendment in Schedule V
CA Siddharth Agarwal