Prof. Dani Khandelwal - CA Inter Costing

Prof. Dani Khandelwal is a Chartered Accountant and practicing as an International Cost Consultant. He is a well-known faculty among CA students on Cost Accountancy, Operations Research and Financial Management. His teaching method is so simplified that over a period the cost accountancy subject is known as Dani Ki Costing.

CA Inter ICAI Costing Modules

Auditing and Assurance Modules

CA Inter/IPCC Important PDFs

CA Neha Lathi Mittal, IPCC/Inter Audit

Imp Video Lectures By The Faculty

Costing Lect 1 Costing Lect 2 Costing Lect 3
Costing Lect 4 Costing Lect 5 Costing Lect 6
Costing Lect 7


CA Inter New Video Lectures By The Faculty


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