Taxation (TX)

Taxation (TX)

You'll develop knowledge and skills relating to the tax system as applicable to individuals, single companies and groups of companies. 

Tackling the exam
 Section A (30 marks) Section B (30 marks) Section C (40 marks)
  • 15 objective test (OT) questions,each worth 2 marks
  • Three OT cases with five OT questions worth 2 marks each, 10 marks per case
  • Three scenarios which typically relate to three requirements
What's TX about, steps to success and tackling the exam:
  • Intro


The Taxation (TX) syllabus and study guide is designed to help with planning study and to provide detailed information on what could be assessed in any examination session.


Taxation (UK) - syllabus and study guide June 2022 to March 2023



  1. ACCA Taxation UK F6 Notes
  2. Paper F6
  3. Taxation – Malaysia (MYS)(F6) December 2013 & June 2014 - ACCA
  4. Taxation (United Kingdom) - ACCA
  5. Taxation (F6) Zimbabwe (ZWE) June & December 2013 - ACCA
  6. ACCA F6 - Taxation
  7. ACCA Paper F6 - Taxation (FA2009) Study Text
  8. ACCA F6 UK TAXATION (Finance Act 2010)
  9. 1acca bpp f6 taxation fa 2015 study text 2016 2017
  10. ACCA - F6 - Taxation FA 2010: Study Text
  11. ACCA ATC F6 Taxation (Russia) Revision Question Bank 2013
  12. ACCA ATC F6 Taxation (Russia) Study System 2013
  13. ACCA - F6 Tax (FA2009): Study Text
  14. (i) ACCA F6 TAXATION