Taxation (TX)
Taxation (TX)
You'll develop knowledge and skills relating to the tax system as applicable to individuals, single companies and groups of companies.
Tackling the exam |
Section A (30 marks) | Section B (30 marks) | Section C (40 marks) |
What's TX about, steps to success and tackling the exam: |
The Taxation (TX) syllabus and study guide is designed to help with planning study and to provide detailed information on what could be assessed in any examination session.
Taxation (UK) - syllabus and study guide June 2022 to March 2023 |
- ACCA Taxation UK F6 Notes
- Paper F6
- Taxation – Malaysia (MYS)(F6) December 2013 & June 2014 - ACCA
- Taxation (United Kingdom) - ACCA
- Taxation (F6) Zimbabwe (ZWE) June & December 2013 - ACCA
- ACCA F6 - Taxation
- ACCA Paper F6 - Taxation (FA2009) Study Text
- ACCA F6 UK TAXATION (Finance Act 2010)
- 1acca bpp f6 taxation fa 2015 study text 2016 2017
- ACCA - F6 - Taxation FA 2010: Study Text
- ACCA ATC F6 Taxation (Russia) Revision Question Bank 2013
- ACCA ATC F6 Taxation (Russia) Study System 2013
- ACCA - F6 Tax (FA2009): Study Text