Life in an Articleship !!

Articleship is an indispensable time period for a CA . How you go through it determines the kind of CA you are destined to become. Taking an articleship too lightly or too seriously will have an adverse impact on your training and overall learning experience.

It is a wonderful opportunity for a student to learn and earn together under the best professional industries.You must associate yourself with good firms not any ordinary firm as this hampers your future and your hard work may go in vein. It is surely going to be a roller coaster ride, with several ups and downs on your way.

Now let’s see how life is during your articleship training  –

  • Home? – Guest House!

 Arey, tu yahi rehta hain kya ?”.

Aj kuch hai kya ? Bada admi milne aagaya ?”

– often heard from parents and friends during articleship.

Working hours are not fixed. You might have to leave early in the morning and up going home around 12 . Home can just be compared to a guest house , where you go just to sleep. Literally, your own house becomes your visiting chamber.

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  • Open door to Opportunities

Working with the biggest industries in your initial years not only gives you an experience but also gives you a large exposure in your field of work ,you with job opportunities from large companies.

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  • Brings you back to earth

The ‘in the air’ feeling in the course of your CA degree soon diminishes as you enter your office for your articleship training. There are a lot of tasks that you thought you never will have to do , like getting the printouts , sending someone else’s mail, but articleship leaves you with nothing undone.

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  • College-articleship-tuition-‘A mess’!!

While doing your articlship , managing your college and tuitions becomes very tough. Classes to attend in the morning , work to be done in the afternoon with no fixed time of going home , tires you out wholly. Evening tuitions are rather sleeping classes if ever attended . In one line everything just bundles up leaving you in a mess .

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  • Work= Just Excel!!

You are close to getting your CA degree but then the first work you do is just excel and more excel. The rows and columns will surely be your beloved companion. By the end of your training tenure if not anything else, you will surely be an expert in Microsoft Excel.

The number of hours spent with Vlookups and Pivorts is remembered more than your special moments with your loved ones.


  • Sunday or Monday – all work day!!

The number of working hours are not fixed , nor is the number of days. Sunday or Monday , you are just a call away from work . Holiday word exists no more in your dictionary.

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  • Birthdays? No! Submission Dates.

You are so much indulged in your office work , that nothing except your deadlines remain in your mind , you tend to forget even your own birthday , while doing your articleship.


  • Personal morals – Invalid!!

You are told to do something , you are supposed to do it without putting in  your own opinion , be it something wrong . You are not allowed to judge the work you are doing , your morals and principles have to be kept aside while you are working. Finally what matters is the work deadline.

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  • Develops you as a human being

When you are going through your articleship , you interact with a lot of people , from seniors to juniors , managing your office situations , communicating with outside people , instills in you the kind of attitude ideal for your job atmosphere.

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Articleship , as earlier mentioned is an important time phase of your CA course . Though at that time life might seem tough, monotonous, and uninteresting . Managing everything while doing articleship will be very difficult but at the end the tenure you will find yourself more confident about what you are doing and your 3 year dedication towards your articleship will pay off. Most importantly it grooms your personality , as in your tenure of training you have to interact with a lot of people . From a confused youth you become a full package ready for more .

As you see , maintaining tuition , college and articleship together is nearly impossible. Choosing the right company and being good at it in your initial years is also not easy. promises to solve these common issues by providing you with online lectures from the best of India’s teachers along with mentorship programs.

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