MCQ for CA Final LAW - PART 1 - Corporate Laws - Section A - Company Law - Chapter 6 PREVENTION OF OPPRESSION AND MISMANAGEMENT

Sample Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ's) for CA Final - Paper 4 - Corporate and Economic Laws - PART 1 - Corporate Laws - Section A - Company Law - Chapter 6: PREVENTION OF OPPRESSION AND MISMANAGEMENT - For Practice relevant for May/Nov 23 Examinations


Q:1 River Ltd. is merged into Ocean Ltd. The books and papers of River Ltd. shall not be disposed of __________.        


  1. For a period of 3 years from the date of such merger
  2. For a period of 8 years from the date of such merger
  3. For such period as may be directed by the Tribunal
  4. Except with the prior permission of the Central Government

Answer: 4

Q:2 If a company, without obtaining the permission of the Tribunal, makes any alteration in the memorandum or articles which is inconsistent with the alterations made by the Tribunal, every officer of the company who is in default shall be punishable with fine which shall not be less than _______ but which may extend to ______. 


  1. 50,000; Rs. 5 lakh
  2. 25,000; Rs. 5 lakh
  3. 25,000; Rs. 1 lakh
  4. 50,000; Rs. 10 lakh

Answer: 3

Q:3 Pending the final order, the Tribunal may make an interim order for regulating the company's affairs. The Tribunal may make the interim order _______.


  1. Where an application is made to the Tribunal by any party to the proceedings
  2. Suo moto
  3. Either (a) or (b)
  4. Where an application is made to the Tribunal by the Central Government

Answer: 1


Q:4 Where an application claiming relief from oppression or mismanagement is made to the Tribunal, and the Tribunal makes an order on such application, ________ shall, within ______, file a certified copy of order of the Tribunal with the Registrar.           


  1. The person who had made the application to the Tribunal; 7 days
  2. The company; 7 days
  3. The company; 30 days
  4. The person who had made the application to the Tribunal; 30 days

Answer: 3

Q:5 Where the Tribunal, with a view to bringing to an end the matters complained of, in an application made to it for claiming relief from oppression or mismanagement, makes an order terminating or setting aside the agreement between the company and any director or manager of the company, such director or manager shall not act as the director or manager of such company for a period of ______ except with the permission of _________. Before granting such permission, an opportunity of being heard shall be given to ____________.   


  1. 3 years; the Central Government; the Tribunal
  2. 5 years; the Tribunal; the Central Government
  3. 3 years; the Tribunal; the Central Government
  4. 3 years; the Registrar; the Central Government

Answer: 2

Q:6 The Tribunal, with a view to bringing to an end the matters complained of, in an application made to it for claiming relief from oppression or mismanagement, makes an order terminating or setting aside the agreement between Jackson Ltd. and Mr. Dishonest, a director of Jackson Ltd. However, Mr. Dishonest, without obtaining the leave of the Tribunal, starts acting as manager of Jackson Ltd. after a period of 2 months. Mr. Dishonest and every director of Jackson Ltd. who is knowingly a party to such contravention, shall be punishable with fine which may extend to _________.         


  1. 50,000
  2. 1 lakh
  3. 2 lakh
  4. 5 lakh

Answer: 4

Q:7 In case of a company having a share capital, an application under section 241 may be made by ______.      


  1. 100 members or 1/10th of the total number of members
  2. One or more members holding not less than 1/10th of the issued
  3. Higher of (a) or (b)
  4. Lower of (a) or (b)

Answer: 4

CA Final - Paper 4 - Corporate and Economic Laws - PART 1 - Corporate Laws - Section A - Company Law - Chapter 7   

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